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Join us at our Peddler’s Village Wine Shop & Tasting Room for an evening of Hustle dancing with our friend, Justine, from Stars Studios!

The Hustle is an American dance which originated in the 70’s. It is danced to club hits of both the 70’s and 80’s as well as contemporary pop music. It is designed to be highly dynamic, flashy and powerful–think Disco Music! For this reason, it is no secret why the Hustle is seen by those who know it well as one of the most enjoyable dances to perform not to mention an easy dance to learn!!

Enjoy a complimentary wine tasting followed by a lesson on how to dance the Hustle . Following intsruction, show off your newly learned moves with open dancing and socialzing!

Absolutely no dance experience is needed and a partner is not required!


6:00-6:30: Complimentary Wine Tasting

6:30-7:15: Dance Lesson

7:15-8:00: Open Dancing & Socializing