Directions to Peddler’s Village
If you use Google Maps, Apple Maps, Waze, and other online sources:
Search for “Peddler’s Village” or for any specific shop/restaurant within the Village
For GPS systems only:
100 Peddler’s Village, New Hope, PA – OR
100 Peddler’s Village, Lahaska, PA – OR
2400 Street Road, New Hope, PA 18938
PLEASE NOTE: Peddler’s Village is located in the village of Lahaska, PA, not in New Hope, but these are addresses that many GPS systems will recognize.
If you use Uber or Lyft:
58 Peddlers Village
Lahaska PA 18938
For Giggleberry Fair:
167 Carousel Lane, New Hope, PA 18938
For Golden Plough Inn, Buttonwood Grill and Earl’s New American:
2400 Street Road, New Hope, PA 18938
For the Cock ‘n Bull:
GPS address systems vary for this location, so we recommend using the general 2400 Street Road, New Hope, PA address, and then referencing the Peddler’s Village map (#54 on the map) to locate the restaurant and parking.