In 2021, everyone knows that sitting is the new smoking, right? And that one of the keys to staying healthy is staying on the move!

Whether your goal is 5,000 or 10,000 steps a day– or 3,000 or 30,000!– Peddler’s Village is the perfect place to achieve your step goals. We’ve got red brick paths, fresh air, lovely landscaping, and 42 acres of relatively flat grounds with just enough gentle hills to keep your walks interesting! And of course all the while you can enjoy 18th-century-style buildings and eclectic array of specialty shops.

You can listen to your own music, podcast or audiobook or walk to the beat of our Village-wide tunes that play daily during shopping hours. (Fun fact: In February, all of the songs are love-themed!)

Come walk for 15 minutes or walk for a couple of hours… We guarantee you’ll feel better after you do!

Post your Village Step Challenge moments and achievements on Instagram with #pvsteps and tag @PeddlersVillage! We will randomly choose one winner a month to receive a $20 gift card that can be used at Cock ‘n Bull, Earl’s New American, Buttonwood Grill, Hart’s Tavern, Peddler’s Pub, Giggleberry Fair, and the Golden Plough Inn.

Please remember: In accordance with state mandates, masks are required outdoors when it is not possible to social distance.

Photos by Jens Mahnke from Pexels and Helena Lopes from Pexels