New art opens new worlds for our recognition and nourishment.

-Marshall McLuhan

You don’t have to be a regular museum-goer to appreciate the effects that viewing art can have on our psyches. Indulging in new visual experiences allows us to escape a long-familiar environment and ordinary daily routines. Especially now–when most of us are confined to our homes, seeing the same views and furniture and walls and faces and colors, day after day–it’s important to keep our eyes open and to let our imaginations soar.

While we can’t enjoy walking through Peddler’s Villages art galleries at this moment, we CAN still enjoy the art– and even purchase new pieces to brighten up not only our own surroundings, but also our moods. We are proud to be the home of three art galleries: The Upstairs Gallery, Lachman Gallery, and Lighthouse Galleries and Thomas Kinkade, all of which are continuing to offer online viewing and sales.

Here’s a small sampling of what you can browse online and order remotely for your own home. Click on each to see the name of the artist and the gallery. Scroll down this post to find contact/order information for each gallery.


Browse works in the The Upstairs Gallery.

The Upstairs Gallery  is open for business online with a website that is constantly adding new work. Some of its artists are offering a “Stay Healthy” discount on their art from the website. Each image on the website has a “contact the gallery” button to click on to express interest in the work. There is also the option to contact The Upstairs Gallery here:

They also have two new artists in the gallery: photographer Don Schoenleber and oil painter Marybeth Hucker. The artists are looking forward to having a celebration grand reopening members show when the time is right… In the meantime, the gallery artists are all hunkering down in their studios creating.

Browse works in the Lachman Gallery.

Contact info:
Lachman Gallery

Browse works in the Lighthouse Galleries.

Contact info:
Lighthouse Galleries and Thomas Kinkade

Thomas Kinkade Studios Sale
In-stock limited edition art purchase of $400 or more is $100 off. In-stock limited edition art purchase of $800 or more is $200 off. In-stock limited edition art purchase of $2000 or more is $400 off. Sale is good thru May 7, 2020.

Infinity Fine Art  and Dwayne Hickman Sale
Infinity Fine Art is offering 50% off any limited edition canvas they publish. That includes works by Abraham Hunter, Mark Keathley, Rod Chase and Jess Wathen. Actor and Artist Dwayne Hickman is also offering 50% of his limited edition canvas as well. The offer does not apply to frames and cannot be combined with other offers.

We look forward to welcoming you back to Peddler’s Village in person soon. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy the art and other online opportunities. Stay safe and well!