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Join Andrea of Bodies in Harmony for a deeply relaxing and blissful hour of sound and vibrational healing. We will begin with a brief meditation and will close with several minutes of intentional silence to absorb the full effects of the sound bath. We will take a sound journey through the elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether, shifting from a more active state of consciousness to a more relaxed, almost dreamlike state. You will be bathed in the restorative effects of the buffalo frame drum, crystal and Tibetan bowls, tongue drums, chimes and the gong. Join us for this beautiful evening of self-healing, releasing what no longer serves you, and calming your mind, body and spirit.

The hour long sound bath will conclude with a variety of treats from local bakeries and special discounts on merchandise for private shopping.


 Helpful Hints

-Show up 15 minutes early to get settled

– Wear comfortable clothes. Think layers so you can adjust to the temperature.

– Bring anything that will support you being down on the floor in a meditative state for an extended period of time; pillows, extra blankets, bolsters, etc. If you would prefer a chair, please let us know. Being in a seated position will not interfere with your ability to go deep into a meditative state.

-Bring water for after the event. It will help to flush out the toxins that were loosened up in your body during the sound bath.