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“A Sister Show”, featuring Ruth Bitsko and Teresa Davis, opens on June 29th at The Up-stairs Gallery in Peddler’s Village. The show, featuring sister artists, Ruth W. Bitsko and Teresa W. Davis, opens on Saturday, June 29th with a “Meet the Artists” reception from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. The show continues through July 26th. The show features acrylic and oil paintings of still lifes, florals, and landscapes by sisters, Bitsko and Davis, both Bucks County residents.

The Upstairs Gallery is a juried co-operative, one of the oldest in continuous exist-ence, and currently features 28 local artists. Artists interested in being juried can stop into the gallery or call 215-794-8486 for more information. The Upstairs Gallery is located in Peddler’s Village, shop #10 behind Earl’s Restaurant. Hours are Mon. –Wed., 10-6, Thurs, Fri. and Sat. 10 – 8, Sun. 11 – 6. For more information, contact 215-794-8486 or visit www.theupstairsgallery.com.

Photos from left
“Sentinal,” acrylic by Ruth W. Bitsko

“Happy Color,” oil by Teresa W. Davis